Scholarship Program

The National Rural Economic Developers Association (NREDA) is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2024 Professional Development Scholarship Program!  This year’s recipients are:


Kelsey Bergen
Executive Director
Aurora Development Corporation
Aurora, Nebraska


Laura Bradshaw
Macon County Economic Development
Macon, Missouri



Barbara Johnson
Executive Director
Alaska Cooperative Development Center
Anchorage, Alaska


Justin Schroyer
Pipestone EDA
Pipestone, Minnesota


The NREDA annual scholarship program recognizes the importance of training and education, as well as networking, in the field of Economic Development.  The program is open to NREDA members and non-members, with a focus on those new to the economic development profession.

This years recipients were awarded a complimentary registration to the NREDA Annual Conference that was held November 13-15, 2024 in Omaha, Nebraska!

NREDA received a record number of impressive applicants this year, and we are excited to continue this program in 2025!  Look for 2025 Professional Development Scholarship Program information next summer!